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Graceful marbled godwit, a shorebird, standing on the beach, showcasing its beauty during an immersive Monterey Bay Eco Tour.

Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa commonly seen in the fall, winter and spring and are unusual to see int he summer

The Marbled Godwit is a large shorebird, about the size of a crow, with a small head and this neck its bill is slightly upturned and extremely long. When in flight the birds legs will stick out behind is tail feathers

The Marbled Godwit has a bicolored bill that is black at the tip and pink at the base but during breeding season the base will change to orange.

The bird is brown, white and cinnamon striped during the breeding season but will appear to have cinnamon-washed underpants during the nonbreeding season

The Marbled Godwit is a ground nesting bird usually nesting in the short grasses next to the slough.

During low tide the Marbled Godwit feast by probing the mudflats with there long bills, eating insects, crustaceans and some aquatic plants.

During high tide the Marbled Godwit sleeps typically standing on one leg with their bill tucked into their body.

The Marbled Godwit was hunted enough to reduce their numbers in the 19th century. Their numbers have been recovering but are still losing habitat due to farming. is committed to saving their habitat through the conservation of the Elkhorn Slough